Mumbai (Maharashtra): Mohan Delkar, an independent MP from Dadra Nagar Haveli constituency, was found dead, hanging from a ceiling fan in a room in Sea Green Hotel in the Marine Drive area. Mumbai police have initiated an investigation in the matter and they have found a lot of similarities between a video shared on YouTube by Delkar on 5th July 2020 and his suicide note seized from the spot. Delkar had made some allegations in his video.
The cops have found a six-page suicide note written by Delkar exposes names of some highly placed politicians, administrative officials and police in Dadra Nagar Haveli. According to police sources, Delkar had alleged that he was deliberately being targeted by some police and administrative officials and politicians. Delkar represents the tribal constituency in Dadra Nagar Haveli.
Read: Dadra and Nagar Haveli MP Mohan Delkar found dead in Mumbai hotel