Mumbai:The Shiv Sena, which is contesting 124 seats in the Maharashtra Assembly election as part of its alliance with the BJP, on Saturday released its manifesto, which promises to provide full meal at Rs 10 and make farmers debt-free, among other things.
However, despite Sena's opposition to the felling of trees in Aarey Colony in Mumbai for a Metro car shed last week, the manifesto does not make any mention of this issue.
The manifesto was released by party president Uddhav Thackeray and his son and Yuva Sena chief Aaditya Thackeray, who is making his electoral debut from Worli constituency in Mumbai.
When asked about the Metro car shed project, Uddhav said, "We stand by our decision to oppose the proposed car shed at Aarey Colony."
Police had imposed prohibitory orders in Aarey Colony in suburban Goregaon last Saturday following protests over cutting of trees for the car shed. Twenty nine protesters had been arrested for allegedly obstructing and assaulting police personnel during the felling of trees.
Aaditya Thackeray had slammed the hacking of trees and termed it as a 'shameful and disgusting' act.