Mumbai: After Ram Janmabhoomi trust head Nritya Gopal Das tested positive for novel coronavirus infection, Shiv Sena's mouthpiece Saamna on Sunday questioned if Prime Minister Narendra Modi will follow quarantine regulations as he shared the stage with him during the groundbreaking ceremony of Ram Temple in Ayodhya on August 5.
"The 75-year-old Mahant Nritya was present on stage on August 5 at the Bhoomipujan ceremony of the Ram Temple. He had not covered his face with the mask. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat came in contact with the Mahant. PM Modi held the hand of Nritya Gopal Das with reverence. So will our PM will also be quarantined," the editorial in the Saamna questioned.
"At present, Amit Shah is also in solitude after contracting the infection. Even former president Pranab Mukherjee has been tested positive for the virus and his health is also in a worrisome state. At present, all cabinet members, bureaucrats, parliament members are vulnerable to falling prey to the lethal infection. Even during riots and war, Delhi was not so frightened as it is today. The city seems to be a bit more scared now. Although the fear of PM Modi and Shah was already mongering, the trepidation fear of coronavirus is more appalling."
On August 5, Nritya Gopal Das was the part of the Ram Mandir Bhoomi pujan in Ayodhya and shared the stage with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat and a few others.
This landmark event was attended by 175 guests who were invited by the trust headed by Nritya Gopal Das.