Mumbai: The Shiv Sena on Thursday questioned the basis on which Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested states to look at lockdown as the last resort, and said despite the existing restrictions the COVID-19 cases are not coming down.
A day after Modi addressed the nation, the Maharashtra government on Wednesday imposed several new lockdown-like restrictions, including a ban on inter-city and inter-district travel, and allowed only those working in the essential services to travel in local trains in Mumbai.
Referring to Modi's suggestion made on Tuesday that lockdowns should be the 'last resort', an editorial in Sena mouthpiece 'Saamana' said focus should be on action rather than delivering speeches.
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'Several ministers in Maharashtra have suggested that the state be put under complete lockdown for at least 15 days.
CM Uddhav Thackeray will take a decision on this. But, on what basis did the PM advice to avoid a lockdown?' it asked.
The editorial said the Maharashtra board's Class 10 exams have been cancelled and the central government has also scrapped the CBSE Class 10 exams.
The situation in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka 'has gone out of control', it claimed, adding that the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has recommended a two-week lockdown in Gujarat.
'The situation is not improving despite strict curbs in Maharashtra,' the Marathi daily said.