Mumbai: Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut on Sunday welcomed Union Home Minister Amit Shah's remark that Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari could have chosen his words better while writing to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on reopening places of worship in the state. Talking to a TV channel, Raut also said that with Shah's statement, the Shiv Sena put the issue to rest.
Koshyari recently wrote to Thackeray on the matter and asked if the Shiv Sena president had "suddenly turned secular," triggering a war of words between the governor and the Chief Minister.
Shah on Saturday told a news channel that "Koshyari could have chosen his words better". Reacting to it, Raut said that Shah is the country's Home Minister and speaks with responsibility and caution. The Raj Bhavan and the office of governor is a constitutional institution and falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Home Affairs, he said.
"The governor's letter followed by the Chief Minister's reply was an unavoidable controversy and we have not started it. But, we are satisfied with the Union Home Minister's stand and thank him for understanding the reason for our anger," said Raut. Raut dismissed speculation that Shah was being soft on the Shiv Sena, a year after it snapped its ties with the BJP.