Mumbai: The Shiv Sena on Friday hit out at Amruta Fadnavis, wife of BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis, over her critical remarks against the party and said she should realise that every alphabet was important.
On Thursday, Amruta Fadnavis took a jibe at the Uddhav Thackeray-led party over its poor performance in the just held Bihar assembly elections and called it "Shav (corpse) Sena".
Hitting back, the Sena, which heads the MVA government in Maharashtra, told her to realise the importance of alphabets in her own name.
"Don't let the alphabet ''A'' in your name go into "mruta" state (dead in Marathi). Realise the importance of ''A'' in your name Amruta.
"Don't bring bad thoughts in your mind during the auspicious occasion of Diwali," Shiv Sena spokesperson Neelam Gorhe, who is also deputy chairperson in the Legislative Council, said in a statement here.
Gorhesaid, "You will not benefit by calling the Shiv Sena names."