Shirdi:After receiving more than Rs 400 crore in donations from devotees in 2022, the Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust in Maharashtra's Shirdi on Wednesday saw the biggest donation so far in 2023 from a devotee hailing from Hyderabad. Rajeshwar, who owns a business in the city, has donated a sum of Rs 1 crore using four demand drafts, each of Rs 25 lakh.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, the devotee said he wished that the amount be used for medical services provided by the trust. "I am merely giving back what Sai Baba has bestowed upon me so far. In case of any difficulties, I have always sought his advice, and he has helped me every time. I hope the money is used for medical services" said Rajeshwar, who added that he is, by profession, the proprietor of a construction business.