Mumbai: Amid the controversy over ownership of party buildings, the MLAs of the Shinde faction of Shiv Sena on Monday took over the Shiv Sena party office in Vidhan Bhavan, the state legislature on Monday. Leader of the Shinde group Bharat Sheth Gogawle said one has to wait and watch what unfolds next. He said that had Uddhav Thackeray listened to the correct advice then he would not have had to face the current situation.
The Election Commission had given the party name and symbol to Eknath Shinde's faction and recognised it as the real Shiv Sena two days ago. Since then, clashes ensued between the two factions over taking over the party offices, branches and buildings across the state. A meeting of all the MLAs elected under the Shiv Sena's bow-and-arrow symbol has been called in the legislature today ahead of the budget session. On the sidelines of the meeting, the Shinde faction took over the party office. MLAs of the Shinde group, including Mangesh Kudalkar, Sada Saravankar, Chamanrao Patil, Lata Sonwane and others.