Mumbai: The Shiv Sena on Tuesday asked its ally BJP to be cautious while inducting leaders from opposition parties, asserting that it might pose problems in future.
The remark came two days after senior Maharashtra Congress leader Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil's son joined the BJP.
Hitting out at opposition parties, the Sena also referred to a recent blog post of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in which he alleged that Congress and corruption were "synonyms".
"The incoming from the Congress and NCP may be seen as beneficial today, but it can cause problems in future, we have this experience. Today, people are coming because there is power.
When there is none, they will find other relations," the Sena said in an editorial in party mouthpiece 'Saamana'.
It recalled that Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil was once a Shiv Sainik and the Sena had simultaneously given ministerial berths to him and his father in the state and central governments, respectively.
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