Nagpur(Maharashtra):An inspector with the state sales tax department allegedly threatened and attempted to extort Rs 15 lakh from a judge of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) tribunal in Maharashtra's Nagpur, police said on Sunday. The police have registered a case under section 385 (extortion) and other relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code against inspector Rajkumar Diwase of the sales tax department, and his accomplice Prakash Gaikwad, senior inspector Sanjay Mendhe of Sadar police station said.
According to the police, "Ramesh Bhagu Zaid (59), a judge in the GST tribunal, allegedly received messages from Diwase recently, in which he threatened to expose the judge with the help of an RTI activist and warned about physically harming him if he did not give Rs 15 lakh. Zaid was earlier a joint commissioner in the state sales tax department and Diwase had approached him to stall a transfer order issued to him in November last year", the official said.