Mumbai: A 30-year-old woman, who was brutally raped and brutalized with rods, remain unconscious and critical in a civic hospital as the incident sparked outrage all over the state, here on Saturday. According to police, the woman was raped and then beaten with a rod, the rapist allegedly shoved a rod in her private parts, dumped her body on the desolate road before decamping from there.
The incident took place on the intervening night of Thursday-Friday on Khairani Road of the Sakinaka area of north-west Mumbai, and police recovered her in a pool of blood around 3 a.m. on Friday.
Sakinaka Police Station Senior Police Inspector Balwant Deshmukh said that the accused, identified as a local, Mohan Chavan, 45, was arrested hours after the dastardly crime and is being interrogated. The police immediately rushed the victim in a critical condition to the BMC's Rajawadi Hospital in Ghatkopar, and Deshmukh said "she remains under treatment".