Mumbai:The Mumbai Police has suspended Riyaz Kazi, a close aide of Sachin Waze. Kazi was working as an Assistant Police Inspector in the Crime Intelligence Unit. He was arrested on Sunday night by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in the ongoing Antilla bomb scare and the death of Thane businessman Mansukh Hiran cases.
Also Read:Antilia bomb scare case: ED likely to interrogate Sachin Waze
NIA had earlier summoned the officer for questioning and made the arrest in light of his alleged role in the evidence destruction in the above-mentioned cases. He will stay in NIA's custody till April 16th. It's been alleged that Riyaz Kazi helped Sachin Waze, who is also under NIA investigation for his alleged role in the mysterious death of Thane based businessman Mansukh Hirani and later, planting his car with explosives in front of industrialist Mukesh Ambani's residence, Antilla.
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