Mumbai: The Maharashtra government on Tuesday announced a high-level one-man panel to probe the allegations levelled by former Mumbai Commissioner of Police Param Bir Singh against state Home Minister Anil Deshmukh.
The panel comprising retired Bombay High Court judge, Justice Kailash U. Chandiwal, will submit its report within six months, said an official notification.
The terms of reference comprise investigating if Singh had submitted any evidence in his March 20 'letter-bomb allegations against Deshmukh to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray.
It will also enquire whether the evidence if any, prove any misconduct/crime by the Home Minister or any of his staff.
It may be recalled that in his letter, Singh had alleged that Deshmukh had reportedly asked a junior officer, Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Vaze, to 'collect' Rs 100 crore per month from hoteliers, bars, hookah parlours and other sources in Mumbai.
The letter came soon after Vaze was arrested by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in the twin cases pertaining to the abandoned SUV Scorpio outside Antilia, the home of industrialist Mukesh Ambani, on February 25, followed by the mysterious death of the car's owner, Thane-based businessman Mansukh Hiran, on February 5.
ALSO READ: Anil Desmukh writes to Uddhav Thackeray to probe corruption charges against him