Mumbai: Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty's husband Raj Kundra has written a letter to the CBI, leveling serious allegations that some officers of the Mumbai Crime Branch who tried their best to implicate him in the pornography racket case. Kundra, who was arrested by Mumbai Crime Branch, is now out on bail.
In his letter to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Raj Kundra alleged that the Mumbai Crime Branch officers had cheated him. Sources said that Raj Kundra has lodged an official complaint with the CBI in this regard.
Raj Kundra has also requested that the CBI investigate the case and do him justice. Kundra has also named the officers in his complaint to the CBI. Along with this, he has written a letter to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) demanding justice in this matter. Raj Kundra said that I have nothing to do with making any obscene film or with any accused in the case.
Kundra claimed that the crime branch police tried their best to implicate him though his name was not mentioned in the original charge sheet filed in the porn racket case. He said that every witness in the case was under pressure to testify against him. Sources said that Kundra told the CBI that he could share details of several witnesses who would testify in this matter.
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