Mumbai: After a one-day break, Mumbai witnessed moderate to heavy rains on Tuesday with continuous showers in some parts of the city. The India Meteorological Department's (IMD) regional centre for Mumbai has issued a 'yellow alert' for next three days, predicting heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places.
Local trains, considered as the lifeline of Mumbai, were running normally on Tuesday on both the Central Railway and Western Railway corridors, as per officials. However, some commuters claimed the train services were running late by 10 to 15 minutes. Rains slowed down vehicular movement on roads at some places, but overall there was no major traffic snarl anywhere, authorities said.
There was no report of any major water-logging in the city, officials said. Most parts of the city and suburbs including Sion, Matunga Kurla, Chembur, Andheri and Parel received moderate to heavy showers since Monday night. An official from the Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport said their bus services were normal and there was no diversion.