Mumbai: Comments in support of the BJP have been found scribbled on a wall inside 'Varsha', Maharashtra Chief Minister's official bungalow here. The bungalow in Malabar Hill area is currently unoccupied as chief minister Uddhav Thackeray has not shifted there from his family residence 'Matoshree' in Bandra.
"UT is mean", "BJP rocks" were some of the comments seen on the off-white wall. Former chief minister Devendra Fadnavis, who vacated the bungalow last month, described the writing on the wall as "low-level politics".
Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut said the wall can be painted again, but those who wrote the comments "have had their faces blackened". Congress leader and former chief minister Ashok Chavan said Varsha was not anybody's private property but a government bungalow.