Panaji: Three-time MLA Pramod Sawant, who led the BJP to win 20 seats in the recently concluded elections to the 40-member Goa Assembly, will be sworn as the state's chief minister for the second time on Monday in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other dignitaries, an official said on Sunday. The swearing-in ceremony would be held at Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee stadium near here at 11 am.
Prime Minister Modi and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh would be present at the function, a government spokesperson said. More than 10,000 people are likely to attend the event at the stadium, and the swearing-in ceremony will also be broadcast across the coastal state through various news channels. The BJP has so far been silent on the number of other cabinet ministers to be sworn in on Monday.
When contacted, Sawant told the media on Sunday morning that You will come to know about it tomorrow. Right now, I don't know how many ministers would be sworn in." Besides chief minister, the Goa cabinet can have 11 more ministers. This would be the second time that Goa's chief minister will be sworn in outside the Raj Bhavan premises. In 2012, Manohar Parrikar had taken oath as the CM at Campal ground in the state capital Panaji after the BJP emerged as the single largest party in the House.
Also read:Pramod Sawant to continue as Goa CM, thanks PM Modi, Amit Shah