Mumbai (Maharashtra): The Bombay High Court on Tuesday said it cannot pass any order granting urgent relief to businessman Raj Kundra, arrested in a case of alleged production and distribution of pornographic films through apps, without first hearing the prosecution. Justice A S Gadkari directed the police to file its affidavit by July 29 in response to a petition submitted by Kundra (45) challenging his arrest in the case.
Kundra, the husband of actor Shilpa Shetty, was arrested on July 19 by the Mumbai Police's crime branch in the porn films case filed in February this year. Post-arrest, he was sent to police custody by a city court. On Tuesday, a magistrate's court remanded him in 14-day judicial custody. Kundra moved the magistrate's court for bail and his plea was kept for hearing on Wednesday.
Kundra's lawyers Aabad Ponda and Subhash Jadhav argued in the HC on Tuesday that the police failed to follow the procedure laid down in law and ought to have first issued a notice under section 41A of the CrPC instead of arresting him directly. Public prosecutor Aruna Kamat Pai refuted the claim and said a notice was indeed issued to Kundra before he was placed under arrest.
The HC directed Pai to file an affidavit in response to the petition. Ponda then sought some interim relief for his client. Justice Gadkari, however, refused and said it cannot grant any relief without giving a chance to the prosecution first to respond to the petition. “No ex-parte ad-interim relief,” the court said.
Read: Raj Kundra, Ryan Thorpe sent to judicial custody for 14 days