Mumbai: Amid the confrontation between Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari and the state government over the issue of final year university exams, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said political egos should be kept aside at a time when the country is facing the COVID-19 crisis.
Aiming at leaders of the opposition BJP in the state a day after a cyclone hit Maharashtra, an editorial in Sena mouthpiece 'Saamana' said Koshyari should be cautious of the 'mad storm' hitting the Raj Bhavan gates frequently.
Koshyari on Tuesday criticised the Uddhav Thackeray- led state government's decision to cancel the final year university examinations on account of coronavirus outbreak and said the decision would jeopardise the future of students.
He also asserted that the chancellor of universities -- a position which governor holds ex-officio -- has the final authority over all university matters, as per the Maharashtra Public Universities Act.
Noting that there has been a public display of differences between the government and the governor over the issue of final year university examinations, the Sena on Thursday said, "Political egos and oneupmanship should be kept aside in times of crisis."
"The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented situation in the state and the country. The 'Sword of Damocles' is hanging over the future of a generation. Should their lives be endangered or should a consensus decision be taken on clearing the confusion over exams?" the Sena asked.
It said the government's decision to cancel the final year exams and give marks as per the aggregate of last semester was 'welcomed by all'.
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"But, opposition leaders immediately met the governor to register their protest and objected to the decision. The governor immediately wrote to the government and said examinations will be held according to the Universities Act," the Marathi daily pointed out.
"We trust the governor's intellect, but some mad storm frequently hits the Raj Bhavan gates. The governor is a fine gentleman and he should be cautious of such storms, otherwise, the future of lakhs of students will be at stake," it said.
The governor is of the view that he, as chancellor of all universities, should have been taken into confidence. But it has been widely reported that state higher and technical education minister Uday Samant had met the governor in this regard," it pointed out.
The Sena asked whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi had taken RBI governor and Union finance minister into confidence while announcing demonetisation, or the President while announcing the lockdown to contain the spread of COVID-19.