Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad): The police on Friday registered a case against MIM's Maharashtra president and MP from Aurangabad, Imtiaz Jaleel and other activists for taking out a candle march on Thursday in city chowk area without seeking permission. The rally was taken out to protest against renaming of Aurangabad to Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
A chain hunger strike has been started by the Anti-Name Change Action Committee in front of the Collector's office for the last seven days. A candle march was taken out on Thursday as a part of their movement. Thousands of people walked from the Collector's office to Bhadkhal Gate holding candles in protest. Although the candle march was pre-planned, the organisation had not taken any permission from the police. So, a case was registered against 1,000 to 1,5000 protesters, who participated in the rally, along with MP Jaleel. The police said further action would be taken after investigating into the matter.