Mumbai:Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Thursday said that the rumours killed the two Sadhus and one driver in the Palghar lynching case and also slammed the opposition for giving the incident a 'religious colour'.
The CID, which was asked to investigate the Palghar lynching incident, has filed a charge sheet in the case on Thursday.
"Two sadhus and one driver were killed in the Palghar lynching case. The CID was asked to investigate the matter. It has filed a chargesheet in the court," he said.
Also Read: Temple looted in Maharashtra's Palghar; priests attacked
Pointing out that rumours led to the incident, Deshmukh added, "As per their probe, the incident took place due to rumours, like children being kidnapped from the place, among others. It was unfortunate that some political parties tried to give it a religious colour."
"As many as 808 people were enquired during the probe, of whom 154 have been arrested. The court will hear the matter", the minister said.