Pune: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on Wednesday said despite sending multiple correspondences to the central government, no team from there has arrived in the state to assess losses caused due to floods following heavy rains in the past few months.
The Centre should provide help to the states during natural calamities without thinking about party and ideology, Pawar told reporters after paying tributes to Maharashtra's first CM Yashwantrao Chavan on his death anniversary at Pritisangam at Karad in Satara district.
"When the state faced floods caused due to heavy rains, the chief minister, rehabilitation minister and chief secretary wrote to the Centre. However, till date, no team from the Centre has come (to assess losses)," he said.
Pawar said during the previous (Congress-led) Manmohan Singh government, if such a calamity happened, a team used to come immediately to inspect the losses and then package was announced.
"Today, after so many days, the central team has not turned up...states should get help from the Centre, considering that all the states are part of India," he said.
Pawar said if there is any natural calamity, the Centre should not differentiate on the basis of a party or ideology, "but it is not happening".
"The issue was once again raised during the state cabinet meeting and the chief secretary has been asked to follow up on the same," he added.