Pune:Seeking to end VIP culture, Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari on Saturday said that he is planning to put an end to sirens on VIP vehicles. Cars of ministers and VIPs have a siren as part of the protocol. If the vehicles are passing on the roads with sirens blaring, the police will clear the traffic because there is a VIP going there. But, some are misusing this siren. Even if the VIPs are not travelling in the vehicles, they are ringing the siren to escape from the traffic problems. Others install these on their vehicles without permission. Due to this, common people are facing difficulties and noise pollution is increasing.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said that to check this problem, new rules are being made to make the siren sound of vehicles audible. He made these comments while participating in the inauguration ceremony of the Chandni Chowk flyover in Pune, along with Deputy Chief Ministers of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar.