Mumbai: A team of the NIA on Monday visited the Thane-based residence of businessman Mansukh Hiren, who was allegedly murdered days after an explosives-laden SUV was found near industrialist Mukesh Ambani's residence in Mumbai, a police official said.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) sleuths reached Hiren's residence at Vikas Palms society in neighbouring Thane around 2.15 pm, he said.
They will meet Hiren's family members in connection with the investigation into his death, he said.
The NIA is conducting a probe into the case of the SUV laden with explosives found near Ambani's house and the alleged murder of Hiren.
This is second time that senior NIA officials have visited Hiren's residence.
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Earlier, a team of the NIA went to Hiren's home on March 11 and spoke to his wife and sons, the official said.