Mumbai: The ongoing probe into the security scare outside industrialist Mukesh Ambani's house and the alleged murder of businessman Mansukh Hiran has led the NIA to documents that show some payments, suspected to be bribe money, being made to officials in the Mumbai Police and the administration, officials said.
They said the National Investigation Agency (NIA) is scrutinising the documents unearthed during a raid Thursday on a club at Girgaum in South Mumbai to probe further the role of now-suspended police officer Sachin Vaze, who is in the custody till April 7.
One of the documents shows the name of the office as well as officers by designation and there was an amount mentioned against their names, and the same had been tabulated month-wise, the officials said.
The officials suspect that the amounts mentioned against the office and officers could be the bribe money paid every month.
Before sharing further details, the NIA is likely to seek an explanation from the club-owner and others about the documents.
The officials said that if needed the documents would be shared with Income Tax or CBI authorities for further probe as the NIA is mandated to probe anti-terror cases only.
They said the club was frequented by Waze who had even got Naresh Gor and co-accused Vinayak Shinde employed there. Both of them are in NIA custody at present.
Also Read:NIA recovers 8th car used by Sachin Vaze
The NIA had Thursday also recovered documents pertaining to SIM cards procured through Gor for his personal use.
Gor is alleged to have procured the SIM cards from Ahmedabad in Gujarat and these were handed over to Waze through Shinde, the officials said.