Mumbai: Mumbai: A special National Investigation Agency (NIA) court on Friday sent suspended police officer Sachin Waze to judicial custody till April 23 in the case of recovery of an explosives-laden SUV from near industrialist Mukesh Ambani's house and the death of businessman Mansukh Hiran.
Waze, arrested on March 13, was produced before the special court after the end of his NIA remand.
Special judge PR Sitre sent the suspended assistant police inspector (API) in judicial custody till April 23 after the anti-terror agency didn't press for his further custody.
The accused had been in the custody of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) since his arrest on March 13, over two weeks after the explosives-laden SUV was found parked near Ambani's house in south Mumbai on February 25.
Waze is also under the scanner over the alleged murder of Hiran, who was in possession of the SUV.
Also Read:NIA takes prime accused Sachin Vaze to Hiren's murder spot