Mumbai: The Narcotics Control Bureau has suspended two of its investigating officers after they failed to appear before a court here during the hearing of bail pleas of comedian Bharti Singh and her husband in a drugs case, an NCB official said on Thursday.
The two NCB officers and a public prosecutor failed to appear during the scheduled bail hearing of Singh and her husband, and during hearing on the anticipatory bail application of actress Deepika Padukone''s manager Karishma Prakash, the official said.
As the role of the investigating officers has been found to be "suspicious" in both the cases, an internal inquiry has been ordered and it is being conducted by the NCB''s Mumbai zonal unit, the official said.
Since the inquiry is on, the two NCB officers have been placed under suspension, he said.
Read: Bollywood drugs probe: 2 NCB officials suspended
"The role of the public prosecutor is also under scanner," the official said.