Nagpur: The chaos created by the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic has not only made many in society have an antipathy to those suffering from it but has also brought out the goodness in humans who forget themselves in service of others. Religious barriers have also been broken with many volunteering to conduct the funeral rights of others inspite of religious differences. The city of Nagpur is witness to one such incident with humanity trumped over religious divisions.
The scare regarding the pandemic is so ingrained that mere suspicion of COVID deters family members from even conducting funeral rites of their loved ones. Shriram Belkhode, a resident of Kharbi in Nagpur passed away due to a heart attack, his relatives were hesitant to visit the family and conduct the funeral rites. It was a Muslim man, Salman Rafique, who came forward to cremate the remains of Shriram Belkhode at the hour of crisis.
Among Belkhonde's relatives, speculations were rife that Belkhonde died of COVID-19. There was only his wife, daughter and a young son beside Belkhode's body. His body was left unattended for five hours from 11 am to 4 pm, as his relatives stayed away from the funeral.