Mumbai (Maharashtra): A Railway Protection Force (RPF) jawan, accused of killing four persons including his senior on board the moving Jaipur-Mumbai Central Express will be produced in a court on Tuesday. The Railway Board set up a high-level committee to conduct a comprehensive inquiry into the firing incident after registering a murder case against the accused RPF jawan identified as Chetan Singh. Officials said that the exact reason behind the incident was not known yet.
Senior Railway officials said that the committee, headed by Additional Director General (ADG) of the RPF, will have five members and the committee will have to submit a report to the board in three weeks. A case was registered against the accused with Borivali Railway Police under Section 302 IPC along with Sections 3, 25, 27 Indian Weapons Act along with Section 152 Indian Railways Act following the incident.
Singh's family members claimed that he was mentally sick and suffering from depression. After this, Singh was examined by a group of doctors. The family members said that he was mentally upset because of frequent transfers. 'Chetan's father was working in the RPF and he died in 2007. He has two children--a son and a daughter--Chetan's wife has been staying with two children at a rented house in Mathura in Uttar Pradesh', said Chetan's family members.