Mumbai: Mumbai Police have initiated the process of dismissing from service suspended cop Sachin Waze, arrested by the NIA in the case of an explosives-laden SUV found near industrialist Mukesh Ambani's residence and the murder of businessman Mansukh Hiren, sources said on Tuesday.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested assistant police inspector (API) Waze on March 13.
The city police's special branch recently wrote to the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) and sought documents pertaining to the case.
It had also a copy of the FIR registered in connection with Hiren's murder and the statement of the businessman's wife in which she raised suspicion over Waze's role in his death, a police official said.
The ATS has provided the documents to the Mumbai Police, he said.
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The special branch had also sought similar information from the NIA, the official said.
After receiving the documents, the special branch recently initiated the process to dismissing Waze from service under Article 311 of the Constitution, sources said.