Mumbai:Following the order of Mumbai court the Khar police on Friday registered a case of offence against actor Kangana Ranaut after the author of 'Didda: The Warrior Queen of Kashmir' accused her of copyright violation.
An official said that an FIR has been lodged against Kangana, Kamal Kumar Jain, Rangoli Chandel and Akshat Ranaut under Section 406,415,418,34,120 of the IPC ( b) and case filed under 51,63,63A Copyright Act.
Also read: Paparazzi diary: Kangana, Sara, Ranveer snapped in and around Mumbai
FIR has been registered under sections 405 (criminal breach of trust), 415 (forgery), 120B (criminal conspiracy) and copyright law of the Indian Penal Code, on the orders of the Bandra Metropolitan Magistrate, a police officer said.
The case is being investigated further.