Mumbai:Mumbai Police have arrested three persons, including two women for running porn shows through a mobile app. The accused allegedly charged a fee of Rs 1000 to Rs 10,000 from the users for showing "live sex". They were presented before Bandra court and sent to police custody on Monday.
According to the police, the accused have been identified as Tanisha Rajesh Kanojia, Rudra Narayan Raut and Tamanna Arif Khan. After receiving information that the accused were live-streaming sexual content on the app, police initiated an investigation into the matter.
Police downloaded the app from Google Play Store and came across some porn videos. The app even invited users to pay a subscription fee of Rs 1,000 to Rs 10,000 to watch "live sex". With the help of technical experts, police raided raided a flat in a building in Versova and nabbed three persons from the spot, police said.
Also Read:Watching porn in private time without showing it to others not an offence: Kerala HC