Mumbai:Shiv Sena has extended its support to Mehak Prabhu, who landed into eye of a storm for holding a "Free Kashmir" poster at a protest against JNU violence in Mumbai on Monday, saying that she lamented the plight of Kashmiri's in a peaceful manner but Opposition portrayed her act as treason.
In its mouthpiece Saamana, the party said, "Mumbaikar Marathi girl lamented the plight of people of Kashmir in a peaceful manner. However, the Opposition is terming it as an act of treason. There can be no worst example by the Opposition parties."
The editorial further slammed Opposition for targeting the state government on the matter.
BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis had on Monday launched a scathing attack on Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray after 'Free Kashmir' poster was seen during a protest at the Gateway of India.
Fadnavis said that the 'Free Kashmir Anti India campaign' was held two-kilometer away from the Chief Minister's Office (CMO).
Taking to Twitter, former Chief Minister tweeted: "Protest is for what exactly? Why slogans of "Free Kashmir"? How can we tolerate such separatist elements in Mumbai? 'Free Kashmir' slogans by Azadi gang at 2km from CMO? Uddhav Ji are you going to tolerate this Free Kashmir Anti India campaign right under your nose??? @OfficeofUT"