Aurangabad: Maratha quota protester Manoj Jarange, who has been on a hunger strike in Maharashtra's Jalna district, said on Thursday that their agitation will continue till the state relaxes the condition of genealogy while giving Kunbi caste certificate to the community members from the Marathwada region.
He was speaking a day after Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said that Kunbi caste certificates would be issued to those Marathas from the region who possess revenue or education documents from the Nizam era that recognise them as Kunbis. The Marathwada region was part of the erstwhile Nizam-ruled Hyderabad kingdom before it became part of Maharashtra.
Addressing a press conference at Antarwali Sarathi in the district, Jarange welcomed the state's decision and said it has initiated some steps that had not happened earlier. However, he appeared far from pleased. Though we have not received the GR (Government Resolution) about the government's decision yet, we learnt that it will give Kunbi caste certificates to those Marathas who have genealogy. If we have genealogy, we do not need a GR at all to get a (Kunbi caste) certificate, he said.
Kunbis, a community associated with agriculture, are grouped under the Other Backward Classes (OBC) category in Maharashtra and enjoy reservation benefits in education and government jobs. Jarange, whose protest has reignited the Maratha quota issue in the state, said they want the condition of genealogy relaxed.