Jalna:Activist Manoj Jarange, who is observing an indefinite fast for the Maratha quota demand, on Saturday said a series of hunger strikes will begin in every village in Maharashtra from October 29 if the government fails to grant the reservation immediately. Jarange also said the government would be responsible if any harm befalls protesters sitting on fast during the protest.
Addressing the media in Antarwali Sarati village in Jalna district, Jarange announced that the second phase of the reservation movement had begun and the third phase would start on October 31. On the fourth day of his hunger strike, 40-year-old Jarange refused to be examined by doctors after Jalna district collector Shri Krishna Panchal and superintendent of police Shailesh Balkawade met him to enquire about his health.
"Starting October 29, a relentless series of hunger strikes, fast-unto-death, will be launched in every village in Maharashtra. The government must take this movement seriously and should not underestimate the determination of agitating Marathas," he said. Jarange launched the second phase of his hunger strike on October 25, a day after an "ultimatum" given him to the state government to announce the quota for Marathas in jobs and education under the OBC category ended.