Pune: A 30-year-old man allegedly strangled his sister-in-law and her two minor children to death and then burnt the bodies in Maharashtra's Pune, police said. It was learnt that the accused was infuriated with his 25-year old sister-in-law over her alleged illicit relationship with another man. The incident took place in Kondhwa area yesterday. Police have arrested the accused and investigations are on.
Police said that the accused got into a verbal altercation with his sister-in-law over her alleged affair yesterday morning. The accused, in a fit of rage, strangled the woman and her two children. He wrapped the three bodies using bedsheets and covered those with logs. Then, he set the bodies on fire in front of the house in Kondhwa's Pisoli area. The matter came to light after the deceased woman's relative, Sameer Sahebrao Masal filed a police complaint. An FIR was lodged against the accused and he was arrested under IPC's sections 302 (murder) and 201 (causing disappearance of evidence of offence).