Pune (Maharashtra): A man was arrested by the Wakad Police on charges of abducting his daughter and sister-in-law's daughter to extort money from his mother-in-law. The incident happened in Maharashtra's Pimpri Chinchwad. Police said the accused, identified as Sachin Mohite, staged the abduction to extort Rs 10 lakh from his mother-in-law. Sarika Kailas Dhasal, sister-in-law of the accused, told police team on patrol duty about the kidnapping of the girls.
The complainant said that her two-year-old daughter and her sister Shital Sachin Mohite's 15-year-old daughter had gone to the market to purchase Rakhi, but they did not return till late at night. Police officials said that at around 2:30 am on Tuesday, sub-inspector Rohit Divte along with his team was patrolling near Kokne Chowk in Rahatani when they saw people searching for their daughters.
The police started an investigation in this case. While interrogating the neighbours, the police got information that Sachin was not present at home when the incident took place. He had taken his car for servicing. The police teams immediately checked the CCTV footage in the area, they found that both the girls left in a car that looked like that of Sachin's car. Upon further investigation, the police found that Sarika had lost her mobile phone three months ago and the call for ransom was made from the same number.