Pune:A 20-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her father repeatedly in Maharashtra's Pune. The cops arrested the accused based on a complaint lodged by the victim. According to sources, the 46-year-old accused, a resident of Odisha, working in a garage in Pune, was sexually abusing his daughter for the past four years at different places. The victim's mother and the mother's friend were helping the accused to commit the crime, police sources said.
Man arrested for raping daughter for four years in Maharashtra
A man was arrested for allegedly raping his 20-year-old daughter in Maharashtra.
Police arrested father for raping daughter repeatedly
Also read:Teenager raped in Mathura village, accused held
Tired of torture, the girl lodged a complaint against the three accused at the Kondhwa police station in Pune. After registering a case, the police arrested the three accused. Currently, the investigation is underway, police said.