Mumbai:BJP MP Pragya Singh Thakur along with all others accused in the Mumbai Malegaon blast case will have to appear before a special National Investigation Agency (NIA) court in Mumbai on September 25. An order in this regard was issued by the special court on September 15.
On September 29, 2008, six persons were killed and more than 100 were injured in a bomb blast in Maharashtra's Malegaon. The examination of witnesses in the case has been completed and now the special court of NIA has directed all the accused to appear before it. Earlier, many accused had appeared before court while many witnesses turned hostile. The special court has ordered all seven accused to be present in person before it on September 25.
During the hearing, the court will give an opportunity to the accused to present their statements and will also hear the evidence along with the information collected against the accused in the case. After going through the evidence and information, the court will give an opportunity to the accused to clarify their statements before pronouncing its judgement.