Mumbai: With an eye on the upcoming assembly elections, Maharashtra Finance Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar on Tuesday presented an additional please-all state budget with a revenue deficit of Rs 20,293 crore, which is considerably higher than last' year's shortfall of Rs 14,960 crore.
While the revenue expenditure stood at Rs 334,933 crore, the revenue receipts were estimated at Rs 314,640 crore, or a shortfall of Rs 20,293 crore.
Hoping to cheer all sectors, Mungantiwar has laid thrust on agriculture and irrigation, infrastructure development, special emphasis women, backward classes and tribals and on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
Among the major highlights, he has proposed an outlay of Rs 12,000 crore for the irrigation sector, Rs 350 crore for micro-irrigation facilities, Rs 1,000 crore for the upliftment of the Dhangar community, Rs 200 crore for a new OBC corporation, Rs 600 crore for research in the four agricultural universities in the state and Rs 100 crore for housing for the handicapped.
Under the farmers' loan waiver schemes, the Minister said an amount of Rs 4,461 has been credited as a 'grant' in bank accounts of nearly 6.70 million farmers in around 18,000 villages in the 26 worst-hit districts of the state.
Mungantiwar said that under the Gopinath Munde Shetkari Apghat Vima Yojana, an insurance cover would be given to 5.50 crore people, and which has been expanded to cover the entire family with an outlay of Rs 210 crore.