New Delhi: Vijaya Pawar on Sunday familiarised Indians with the handicrafts of the Banjara community in Maharashtra through Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Twitter handle as the fifth woman achiever handling the Prime Minister's account on International Women's Day. Working in Banjara handicraft field for the last two decades, Pawar presented the rural Gormati art of Maharashtra through the Prime Minister's Twitter handle and showcased through a video how she encouraged thousands of women artisans working with 90 self-help groups (SHGs) under her guidance.
"You have heard about handicrafts from different parts of India. My fellow Indians, I present to you handicrafts of the Banjara community in rural Maharashtra. I have been working on this for the last 2 decades and have been assisted by a thousand more women," Pawar tweeted.
In another two tweets both in Hindi and Marathi, Pawar said: "Prime Minister Narendra Modi not only encouraged us to promote Gormati art but also provided financial assistance. It is a matter of glory for us. I am completely dedicated to the protection of this art and I feel honoured to have this occasion on Women's Day."
In a video posted by Pawar on the Prime Minister's handle, Pawar said this is a Banjara handicraft. "There is a struggle behind it (Banjara handicraft). Banjara handicraft has changed into languishing art. As I have grown seeing this handicraft because my grandmother and mother are attached to it, but I learnt it from my husband and mother-in-law after my marriage in 2000," Pawar said.