Mumbai: In a shocking incident, a body of a 53-year-old woman was found stuffed in a closet in Lalbagh area of Mumbai, officials said on Wednesday. An official said that the body was found by the police at Peru Compound opposite Raja Society of Lalbagh at around 11 pm on Tuesday. Based on suspicion, the police have detained the 22-year-old daughter of the deceased woman identified as Veena Prakash Jain, and launched a probe into the incident.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Praveen Mundhe informed that the locals were alerted by the foul smell emanating from the house after which they accordingly informed the police. Soon, a team of police rushed to the spot to examine the spot. Mundhe said that the woman's body was found in a decomposed state and stuffed inside a plastic bag and locked in a cupboard.
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The woman's body was stabbed with a sharp weapon while many parts of the body including hands and feet were cut off, the DCP said. In such a situation, the FSL team was also called late at night and a survey of the entire flat was done, he said. A case has been registered at the Kalachowki police station and the police are investigating the matter.
Mundhe further informed that the police have taken possession of the decomposed body and sent it to KEM Hospital for postmortem. Police sources said that the reason for the murder is not yet clear. Local residents of the Peru compound alleged that the woman was killed by her daughter Poonam Jain detained by the police. The incident has caused grief and shock in the entire locality.