Palghar: A 48-year-old woman died after the family members of her daughter's friend allegedly beat her up over a petty dispute here in Maharashtra, police said on Monday. The woman's 20-year-old daughter had posted a message on her WhatsApp status, which her friend thought was directed towards her and took offense to it,
Boisar police station's senior inspector Suresh Kadam said without divulging the contents of the post. On 10 February 2022, the other girl's mother and siblings went to victim Lilavati Devi Prasad's house in Shivaji Nagar and allegedly thrashed her and other members of her family, he said.
Lilavati suffered serious injuries and was rushed to a hospital where she died the next day while undergoing treatment, the official said.
Her daughter told reporters on 13 February 2022, that her WhatsApp post was a general one and not directed towards her friend.