Pune (Maharashtra): In a significant development, the Pune police said that on July 19, that they arrested two individuals who allegedly owe their affiliation to a terrorist organization known as "Sufa," –an organisation that draws its inspiration from ISIS. The individuals, identified as Yunus Saki and Imran Khan, were wanted by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) for their alleged involvement in planning bomb blasts in Jaipur, Rajasthan.
The Rajasthan police had already arrested one member of the group, Altamas, on March 30, 2022. However, the remaining three members, namely Yunus Saki, Imran Khan, and Feroz Pathan, had managed to evade capture and were on the run. Though Feroz Pathan – considered to be the mastermind- is still at large but, according to the police, this recent breakthrough is a significant step forward and can help the NIA to plug the missing links.
The Pune police detailed that the three suspects were apprehended by a patrolling team during the early hours of Tuesday while they were attempting to steal a motorcycle in the Kothrud area of Pune. Unfortunately, one of the suspects managed to escape. Upon conducting a verification of their identities, the police discovered a live cartridge, four mobile phones, and a laptop at the residence of the accused individuals. Interrogation revealed that they were wanted in a case in Rajasthan, with a cash reward of Rs 5 lakh placed on their capture.