Mumbai: Maharashtra reported another single-day highest increase in coronavirus cases on Friday with 6,364 new patients being detected, which took the case count in the state 1,92,990.
The death toll due to the pandemic rose to 8,376 with 198 new deaths reported, a health department statement said.
On Thursday, the state had witnessed single-day highest increase in patients at 6,330.
On Friday, 3,515 coronavirus patients were discharged from hospitals. The number of recovered patients in the state, thus, rose to 1,04,687.
So far, 10,49,277 people have been tested in the state.
Of 198 deaths reported on Friday, 150 occurred in the last 48 hours while remaining deaths had taken place earlier.
The recovery rate in the state is 54.24 per cent while the fatality rate is 4.34 per cent, the statement said.