Mumbai: The Mumbai Police on Tuesday received a hoax bomb threat call in the Bombay High Court, officials said on Wednesday. As per the officials, a caller allegedly from Bihar, called the Mumbai Police Control Room at around 5.45 pm on Tuesday. In the bomb threat call, the caller told the police that he had paid money to get his work done, but to no avail, as informed by an official.
Fed up of the official apathy, he had planted a bomb inside the premises of the Bombay High Court. As soon as the call was received, the Mumbai Police got into a tizzy. The police did not want to take chances and without wasting any time, a special police was sent to the Bombay High Court to carry out searches.
As per the officials, teams from Pundalik Nagar police station and the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad were rushed to the spot. The visiting police teams reached the high court building and carried out a massive search operation to find the alleged bomb. However, the call turned out to be hoax as nothing suspicious was found at the high court, an official said.