Mumbai: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday arrested a man from the neighbouring Thane district in connection with the Maharashtra ISIS module case, for promoting violent activities of the proscribed terrorist outfit, the probe agency said in a statement.
With the latest arrest, the NIA has apprehended seven persons in the case so far. The man, Shamil Saquib Nachan, was arrested following raids at his residence in Padgha area of the district, the statement said. According to the probe agency, Nachan was allegedly actively involved in promoting terrorist activities of the designated foreign terrorist organisation.
He was involved in fabrication, training and testing of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) for commission of terrorist acts, the NIA claimed.
Nachan had been working in collaboration with the other six accused Zulfikar Ali Barodawala, Mohammed Imran Khan, Mohammed Yunus Saki, Simab Nasiruddin Kazi, Abdul Kadir Pathan and Aakif Ateeque Nachan, along with some other suspects, it stated.