Mumbai:The Maharashtra government on Tuesday declared drought in 40 talukas, including Baramati, in 15 districts which are hit by scanty rainfall. While 24 talukas, including Baramati and Yeola- the constituencies of Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar and his cabinet colleague Chhagan Bhujba (both from NCP), respectively- have been classified as severely affected, the rest 16 are moderately affected talukas.
The government would urgently seek necessary assistance from the Centre even as the Relief and Rehabilitation Department has been directed to quickly decide on the appropriate relief for the affected areas. The decision to declare drought was taken at the state cabinet meeting based on the information provided by the Relief and Rehabilitation Department on the situation regarding the crop water situation.
"Due to scanty rainfall, drought has been declared in 40 talukas in 15 districts during the Kharif season by the state cabinet on Tuesday. Accordingly, necessary assistance will be urgently requested from the Centre in view of the drought situation," a statement said. The Drought Management Code of 2016 was taken into consideration, which included mandatory indicators and impact indicators.