Nagpur (Maharashtra): In the recently announced results of the 12th examination, Rajula Hidami has passed with just 45.83 just per cent marks but yet she created a record. This 15-year-old tribal Naxal girl had earlier created great terror in Gadchiroli Gondia. By 15 years of age, she had 6 serious crimes registered against her.
At the advice of police officer Sandeep Atole, she gave up weapons, surrendered before the police and took to studies. Cases against her included indiscriminate firing on the police, looting and explosions. When Sandeep Atole took charge of the post of Superintendent of Police, Gondia Police Force, he paid close attention to this matter.
Sandeep Atole succeeded in changing Rajula's mind. Rajula surrendered to the police in 2018 and laid down her gun. Sandeep Atole accepted the guardianship of Rajula and took all the burden of her education. Rajula's father passed away, while her mother remarried. So there was no one close to Rajula. Her relatives won't talk as she joined the Naxalite movement.