Mumbai: In the first step towards the Union government's announcement of the 'BH' series number plate, a vehicle was registered under the series in Mumbai on Wednesday. Minister for Transport Satej Patil unveiled the number plate of Rohit Sute from Chembur, a government employee's vehicle. The 'BH' series number plate ease the procedures to move a vehicle from one state to another.
Sute said that the entire registration process was completed in eight days with the coordination of the Minister for Transport. This has made it easier to drive anywhere in the country, she said and added that the initiative is very good.
Moving a vehicle from one state to another involves tedious tasks. No Objection Certificate from the current state is a pre-requisite and one needs to register in the other state as per Section 47 of Motor Vehicles Act 1998. Mainly, one need to pay road tax again, reports said.
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways introduced the 'BH' series of registration for hassle-free movement. Rule 47 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 was amended by the Union government, freeing motorists of the cumbersome process of getting a refund of tax paid in the first state. Road tax for the 'BH' series vehicle will not be pre-paid rather levied for two years and in multiple of two later. For vehicles that cost less than Rs 10 lakh, the road tax will be eight per cent and for vehicles that cost over Rs 20 lakh, the tax will be 12 per cent, as per reports.
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